Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Long Lost Project

Well when I started this hobby I only had 4 machines. So I decided to go and tear into the Nishijin A (Green Bowling) to start restoring it. Then I found a huge lot of 60 machines. So my project kinda got put on hold for a long time. But just recently I decided to finish it. The main reason why I stopped working on it was because I needed to replace the background but didn't have one at the time. So I took the time and decided to go make a custom one to put on instead of a reproduction of a factory background. Finally a few weeks ago I got my custom one printed and decided it was time to finish this project. I still isn't finished but it is getting pretty darn close to being done.

About the background: The background I got inspired from a sign we had hanging on the wall I said Tiki Bowl on it. I combined 2 of my favorite things tiki gods and bowling, and I figured that the background would also fit with the theme of the machine very well. So I scanned in the sign and cleaned up the image and enlarged it to fit the machine board.

Here is a picture of the original sign:

Now here are the pictures of the machine:





There is still much to do to this machine. Right now the feet for it are being stained and that is why it can't be put in its frame. The front ball panel will be covered with wallpaper because the chrome isn't shiny and looks like bare metal. The frame has been stained rosewood, sorta a dark red brown color. Anyways this machine is coming along great and I look forward to seeing it done.

(Just a note this one will not be going up for sale. I plan on hanging onto it for a while.)